"What? More?? You bloke. Don't you ever shut up?!"
"Who ya calling a bloke? You friggin' doorknob."
(don't ask)

What you like to do?: When?

I dunno! Anytime!: Cruse with my best buds, talk on the phone, play piano, draw, paint, sing, chill out, play video games, go crazy, read, go crazy, go for walks, swim, swim, swim some more, go crazy again, make web pages, play with the dogs, go to work (I love my job!... most of the time), go to the mall, drive, talk some more on the phone, think up better things to do

Favorite Colour: I like them all, in different situations.

Favorite Animal: Same answer, except for the situation part.

Favorite Fantasy Animal: DRAGON!!!!!!!!! (roar)

Favorite kind of music: What the Tragically Hip play.

Seriously, what is it?: Anything that won't hurt my eardrums and was written by someone who wasn't clinically insane. But, my favorite band of all time is The Tragically Hip.

Translation?: Any music that's NOT  most rap, dance, corny, all yelling and old country.

Favorite Movies: Shawshank Redemption, Dragonheart, 8 Mile, Pirates of the Carribean, LotR Series, Star Wars Series (most of them...), Wedding Singer, Space Cowboys, Tombstone, X-Men (this changes with the time. There are actually alot of things I like about any movie so I can't pick just one, or order the ones I have said)

Favorite TV Shows: I can't pick!!! There are just too many. I would have to say that I really like reality TV and anime shows.

Favorite Sports: Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer, Volleyball, Badminton, Swimming, Basketball.

Which have you actually tried?: Hockey (floor, for lack of skating ability), Soccer (not on a team), Basketball, Badminton, Swimming, Volleyball. I'd LOVE to try Lacrosse and learn how to skate so I could play hockey. Some things cannot be done though... not yet.

Favorite Picture: One with me and Kristin at Prom, hugging. She's so pretty!!!! I like all pictures that have any of my friends in them, but that one would have to be the best picture I have cause it's the two of us, and she's my best friend, and it's at prom, and... yeah.

Role Model: I don't have only one. It's impossible to have only one role model. I have a few. One is my best friend, Kristin. She's been through alot and I admire the way she handled things and the fact that she didn't give up, even after feeling like some things were hopeless, as we all do at times. Also, she will NEVER give up on her dream of being able to walk again. She's very strong and caring. I wish I could be like her.
Another one is my mom. She had to put up with me for all these years. Lol! I can be a bitch at times, so this is no little feat. Plus, with 3 other kids to take care of as well, I'm surprised that she hasn't lost all her hair... from pulling it out of her head in frustration. My mommy's a good mommy, a funny mommy and a really caring mommy, too (although she can be annoying at times). I love my mommy! :)
Another one is my Zia Rica. She's really, REALLY cool. She showed me alot of things, how to put on lipstick for one thing. She's great with advice and going crazy. She's a little kid!!!! She's also a really good mom, obviously cause she's the mother of my favorite cousins! She also has to put up with some really weird customers when she does , and they can be hard to please!

Any Souvenirs from the Past that You Keep?: Well, there's one that I keep not by choice. It's a pellet in my leg and it can't come out. Why? Cause it just can't! It doesn't have legs. Another one would have to be the ticket from the Hip Concert on December 3rd, 2000. That was the best day ever and I would love to relive it! Wheelchair seating is amazing at ACC!
I used to have the molars that were pulled out of my mouth, but I threw them out a while ago, cause they smelled funny. I also keep my yearbooks from high school, notes that Kristin wrote to me, and two plastic toys: cheetah named Cheetah and raptor named Frank (Oh! Oh! They have 2 new friends!
A Ram and a weird dinosaur thingy. They don't have names though)

Any Regrets?: Pleanty. This list grows all the time. The top would have to be
not explaining myself clearly enough when I said I couldn't lift without keeping my back streight (I could go on...), being little miss suicidal for a while (couldn't help it, but it is a huge regret), cutting, not keeping in touch with many of my high school friends, telling Merrill the truth, letting Ashley and Katie (the fuckasses that they are) get the best of me in my most vulnerable of times, not being able to figure things out sooner, and being a horrible excuse for a friend for lack of knowing what I was doing.