Name: "Hi! My name is, What? My name is, Who? My name is, Slim Shady!"... Ugh... no. My name is Lisa Alvina Something.
Why Something?: I've had some bad experiences and prefer to have people guess at my last name. I'm not even going to give you a hint.
Born: December 3rd, 1983; somewhere in Ontario
Current Residence: Newmarket, Ontario
Used to live in: Newmarket, King City, Barrie
Family: 1 mom, 1 dad and 4 sisters
Pets: 2 dogs, 1 cat and 2 fish
Friends: Let's see... ah, I can't think! Just ask anyone who lives in Ontario (or beyond) and they'll give you a yes or no answer... or a funny look. Okay? Okay.
Now in Grade: Let's make up a number, shall we?
Schools Attended: Holy Name CS, Canadian Martyrs CS, Dr. John M. Denison SS, Georgian College
Fail any courses yet?: I dunno. Did I?
Best Courses: Art (kick ass!), English, 11 Tech Math, Law, Entrpreneurialship (these are all from high school)
Why Tech Math??: Because, the teacher's kick ass cool and easy to understand. Plus, math gets me thinking. Scary, eh?
Worst Courses: Accounting, 12A English (even though I love English!). Marketing (so easy it's boring), Business Math, Print Production
What College Next Year?: You mean this year, right? Oh well. Anyway,
it's Georgian College in Barrie. I was taking Art Fundamentals, a one year program. I have since then passed that course and have been accepted
for Graphic Design, a three year course. It kicks some MAJOR ASS!
Where ya workin'?: I'm a Court Reporter in Training
Where ya used to work?:
Gemtec Wall & Ceilings -- Newmarket, On.
SilverCity -- Newmarket, On.
Northwood Easter Seal Camp -- Sesekinika, On.
What's your house like?: Well, that depends on which one you're talking about. I recently moved from a townhouse in the middle of a brand new addition to the suburbs. I only lived there half a year. I had also lived in a triangle, somewhere in the suburbs but now it's in a house somewhere in a sea of other houses with hallways of rediculous sizes. I also consider a 15 year old house on a 2 acre lot, surrounded by forest and swamp, out in the middle of nowhere to be home. I don't live in that house though... it's not really mine. I just steal it once in a while... when invited to. :)