January 20th, 2004 - Friends page is gone. I see no use in having it, really.
My friends change all the time, so that would be too much to constantly change. Yeah. Ah well. It lasted long enough. It was more efficiant in high school when I knew who my friends were. Also added more art and more rambling.

November 2nd, 2003 - Alright, so it wasn't up on the 23rd, or the 24th... but TODAY it WILL go up! I finished adding art pictures, so alot of what was on my computer (scanned or drawn) is now on here. Yay. Added more Ramblings. Aren't many yet, but it'll happen eventually. Not much in the Favorites page, but it will get there! I need to do homework eventually! Links are done. More will be added when I find them. More stuff is ready to put up, but I'm taking my time with it because not that many people end up looking at my page. I bet if I bothered to put a counter up on here, it'd only read about 1000 or less. And that's for 4 years on the web, too! Meep. Ah well.

October 23rd, 2003 - Version 2.0 will be put online today! Hooray for major updates! Alright. So, here's what is different. New names for everything along with "pretty" graphics to go along with them. More art and pictures are put up, along with new ways that they are organized. Favorites page is not just a bunch of junk anymore. Actually, there's not much in there as of yet, but you'll see how everything will turn out later. Links page has lost many links because they are simply not put in there yet. Will be done hopefully by tomorrow, or sometime this week. New explanation for this page. The old one, since I liked it so much, is enshrined in the Writing section. New Ramblings page. No idea why I added it... More rambling will be done eventually. Binopstic has been updated, so all info on me is current. Oh, I am quite aware that Oekaki/BBS Art can be considered Computer Art since it's done on the computer, but they have their own sections for organizational reasons. Just bear with me. Friends don't have individual info yet. May never happen. Depends how much I'm willing to do right now and how much time I have. A whole bunch of new things are everywhere... including the HOME link always being around Guilmon the digimon. Need to go home? Look for the digimon.
ALL graphics except the Guilmon graphic are made by ME. Different elements of individual graphics are other people's work, but the graphics themselves are MINE. Please respect that, or else I will have to beat you over the head with a 2x4.

October 22nd, 2003 - Alright. Today is the planned date of releasing this version of my page to the public. Unfortunately, it's almost 12 am, which'll mean that it is no longer the 22nd. Since this update finished when I'm done, I will write everything done on the next update... tomorrow. When I'm done.

July 28th, 2003 - MAJOR overhaul started here. My page was in need of a fresh start. So, new theme planned. Theme is now... oh... who really knows. But my page have gone from V. 1.0 "So This is What it's Like to be Abducted by Aliens..." to V. 2.0 "30 Klicks from Go to Whoa." Pages replanned. Some dumped. Some thrown in. This is still a page in the making though, so don't expect anything to stay the same (not that you will have much of an opinion yet. My page won't be online for a looong while yet).

December 24th 2002 - I've realized that my Oekaki doesn't work the way I want it to... won't let me draw on there. Just OEPost. Damn thing. I'm going to look for a new one. Have to find it before Dec. 28th though. That's when I move. Damn moving. But anyway, Added more Art to the 2nd part, updated my Friends page, and added some fancy scrolly bars and cursors to all the main pages (white bar and cross hairs! WOO!) These are also found in my journal... not that it matters. I am trying to complete the profiles for most of my friends by Dec. 28th, cause who knows when I'll be able to work on this damn thing again. I'm losing my hobby!!! ;_;

December 14th 2002 - I am no 19 years old! Not as thrilling as I thought it would be. But anyway, I've added more (lots more!) art to my Art page. You won't notice until you go to the second page though, cause it's all that kinda art. I also added a link to my Oekaki. Just to let you guys know, I may get to a point where I cannot update this page as much, or at all anymore. I'm moving in 2 weeks and won't have internet an connection at home for a loooooong while... or at all.

November 6th, 2002 - Added update page, finally. Yeah, kinda dumb, but her! What else is new? This whole page is dumb anyway. But yeah. I needed to keep track of what update I did when. Also, it might help people actually see that I actually update.

November 1st, 2002 - More major changes. Changed Art page so that there are two of them. What for? Well, I wanted to separate my leisure art from my serious art, and also the type of programs used (if done on the computer). Check it out if you want. Added more art, too. The Links  page has also been changed. More links and also some categories (more like explanations and stuff). Looks nifty, but not really that interesting. Why? Cause it's JUST a link page! lol! What else could be more exciting???

October 21st, 2002 - New page, new page! WOO! Finally. I can't really explain it right now, other than it's nifty and has a bunch of bumper stickers on it (Internet Bumper Stickers to be more specific).

October 2nd, 2002 - Not much today. Binopstic (don't know what else to call it) has been updated. More links on Link page. Friends list changed around. More art added. That's about it.

September 1st, 2002 - Okay, this page needs more. LOTS more. What to add? Well, today there are quite a few additions. ACTUALLY, in a way, the page has been revamped. Same theme, but everything has been changed or added to in some way. Let's start with the front page. Added and removed some little things, as well as rewrote what's written there. Friends page has a list of name with links going to profiles (2 so far), while before there were a jumble of words and pictures. Picture page has new look of previews leading to links to the actual picture (same format in Art page). More links were added to the Link page. That's about it. More things are planned. Someday, all my friends will get a profile of their own. Also, I hope to have a page that'll be more specific with my likes and dislikes. Yes. That would be nice.

*No updates recorded before September of 2002*