Lilly Cerilli
1996 - 2003
Lilly is proof that a dog can be one of the best friends you can ever have... not
that anyone needs proof of that. Lilly was insane. I think she must have hit her head
when she was born or something because she did some pretty stupid things. Then
again, dogs in general do stupid things! She was always there when I needed someone
before I ever had anyone. She was the one who heard every little problem, gave kisses
and cuddles for free (or for the occasional treat), she licked the car windows until they
got slimy and hard to see out of, she never sat still, she always knew when she was in
trouble (and always went streight to bed because of it), and made walks alot more fun.
There's alot I couldn't say about her mostly because some people just don't understand
that it's just as hard to lose a pet as it is any other friend. She was the best of the best.
I sure do hope that all dogs really go to heaven, because if they do, Lilly's up there with
the best. I love you Lilly. Be a good girl.
Lauren Eaton
1984 - 2001
Not once have I seen another person exactly like her, which was good in a way. Another person just like herself would have scared Lauren shitless! Also, I tend to think that having nobody else like someone makes the person more special. She was a HUGE fan of the Moffatts and Hanson. She always found a way to get backstage to all the best concerts and stuff. How she did it, I dunno. She was a talented artist, great at singing, songwriting, guitar and drawing. She was a kick ass friend, always willing to help. What she went through, she passed on advice about to her friends. She always spoke her mind, never shut up, and she had a huge heart. I miss her more than words can say. She may not have been my best friend, but that doesn't stop me from loving her. Lauren, I miss you VERY MUCH and I wish you could have stayed alot longer. I will never forget you, ever. You will always be in my heart. Peace, love and bulletproof marshmellows!
This page is turning out to be more than just for favorites,
so I shall let it be what it wants to be. All my "cool" stuff
shall end up here. Yes. You don't think it's cool?
That's nice. You're not me, now are you?
Ah, my computer. My pride and joy, really. All my art remains on there... or at least it tries to get there. It contains many hours worth of entertainment and expression. Best of all, it's something expensive that's mine. ALL MINE!
So, I personalize it.
There's a hat sitting on top of the monitor for some strange reason that I don't know. It's passworded, and nobody knows it but ME. My desktop (the one in the computer, not the one in my room) is all made decorative-like. If damn Windows XP let people personalize their computers looks as much as the other versions of Windows, it would be done by now.
these are how I decorate my desktop.
Obviously, I've changed my webpage.
Here are past versions of my site
(well, the main page anyway... too much to show it all)