So This is What it's Like to be Abducted by Aliens...
version of site's "why I made this page"
I liked it, so I left it in here. If you wanna read it, CLICK HERE!

My... Something...
My name is not important
My thoughts just make no sense
My datebook's got appointments
My mind is really tense.
Really my name just makes me think
Really my thoughts just hurt my head
Really my datebook's in invisible ink
And my head's exploded, so I must be dead.

Fairy Princess in the Shoe
Once upon a time, there was this beautiful princess.
Not your everyday princess mind you. She had wings.
Yes. Wings. She flew. She was a fairy princess!
Okay, so there have been stories about fairy princesses
before, but this is different. The Fairy's name was Glow.
She glowed, too. It's kinda funny, because she laughed
at herself all the time. Silly Glow.

Glow lived in a shoe. A pretty big shoe. Not really big
though, cause she didn't want to have to say that thing
that everyone makes fun of ("It's a really big shew").
She just so happened to have moved into the exact same
shoe that the old woman in the shoe with a zillion kids had
just moved out of, so there were alot of bedrooms. She
didn't know how to fill them all, and was stuck. She was also
feeling "unsatisfied" but never really knew.

Then one day, Glow's fairy Godmother came to visit her.
This wasn't much of a big deal, cause Glow was a fairy
and fairy's have Godmother's, too. Glow was complaining
to her that she had nothing to fill her bedrooms with.
Godmother, being the smart-ass that she is, told her one
thing: "get a man." Glow didn't understand how getting a
man could help her fill all her bedrooms. I mean, she
didn't have any furniture either! What was a man going to
do for her?

Glow, being the doorknob that she is, didn't know how to
get a man. Was she supposed to catch one and put him
in a cage? Was she supposed to cast a spell on him and
lure him into one of the rooms and lock the door forever?
What would she DO with this man once she had him???
So, she went out to find a man, like her Godmother had
told her to.

She went on and on and on, trying as hard as she can
to find a man, but to no avail. There was no man in site!
But wait... could Godmother have been talking about a
FAIRY man? YES! That's it. A fairy man would do just fine.
He'd fit better in the show anyway. She did not want her
shoe to break.

She searched high and low, and finally... THERE HE WAS!
She suddenly felt a surge of something that she never felt
before. This was a new feeling for Glow. "Can Fairy Princess'
feel like this?" she said. The boy fairy turned around, saw her
and... bowed to the ground. Weird, but true. Even though no
man would ever do that in real life, this is what this man was
doing for her. She looked confused, and then remembered
something. "Oh yeah! Fairy PRINCESS! That explains it."

So, Glow and the fairy man (his name was Bob) went back
to the shoe and made good use of her one and only bed.
Glow did not even realize what she was doing though.
She just felt like she was haveing alot of fun. Then she
looked down and stopped in shock. She looked from
herself to Bob over and over again. Then she exlaimed:
"So THAT's what those are for!" She really was such a
doorknob. Full of glee and knowledge, Glow continued what
she was doing before.

10 years - and 30 kids - later, while Bob was out playing with
Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum and Fiblet (the 3rd set of quints), Glow was
walking aimlessly around her house, trying to find something
to do, or think. It was easy to do since almost all of the kids
were sleeping. She looked from one room to another, and
another, and another, and another, and another, etc. etc... and
it suddenly clicked. "So, THAT's why Godmother told me to
get a man!" Her rooms were all nolonger empty, including
the room downstairs. Happily, she walks off to find something
not to do. Wonder of wonders, Glows hair colour just happened
to be blond. THE END.

Flicker light
Flicker fast
Flicker in daytime
Hope that you last.
Change the bulb
Change it now
Change that flicker
If you know how.
Turn the light off
Turn off the light
Turn off the power
And change without fright.
Open the light
Open up now
Open up quickly
If you know how.

Carbon Copy Made Sticky
Carbon copy people
out of factories galore
packed into colourful boxes.
Boxes made to
feel like spounge,
actually, a little more sticky.
sticky tacky boxes
made by the thousand
for people to use.
Are they useful though?
Do we really want to stick
to the walls for boxes
for the rest of eternity?
How will we clean
if we cannot move?
We are not carbon
even if we may copy
 because carbon has
no use of movement
as we do.
Just throw out
those damn boxes.
Those sticky tacky boxes
and move into a house

Why have names instead of numbers?
Why have titles instead of songs?
Why hopelessly march forward?
Why's this line so fucking long?
Why have questions without an answer?
Why not build wings so we could fly?
Why kill a man to gain a penny?
Why do we all have to die?

My Name, Not Yours!
That name you have is yours for show,
But that name you have is mine, you know.
Toys and games are fine to share,
But share MY name? I wouldn't dare!
If you don't agree I'll have a fit!
Look and see what's written on it!
"MY NAME." It's written in pen.
It's not eraseable. So? Complain about it then!
DON'T USE WHITEOUT!! That's not allowed.
You're being childish, acting like a cloud.
Floating around everywhere to get what you want.
I'M ACTING CHILDISH?? Naw, you just like to taunt.
Okay, fine. I guess we could share.
But you COULD pay rent or possibly a fare.
And don't dare think I'm going to agree,
because that name you have STILL belongs to ME!

Making Fun for Fun
You think me blind?
You think me forgetful
always here for amusement?
You watch constantly watching, waiting,
hoping for a mistake,
an innocent misstep
to throw outta proportion.
What is this?
This thing you do
out of will
hurts to feel.
Hurtful amusement to you
may seem fine and dandy
but isn't so fucking amusing
to me.
Laugh it up, bud.
Playtime's over.

A poem called IT
It's by itself, but not alone,
It is here, and then it's gone,
It's brown and green and purple, too,
It can't be seen, it's invisible to you,
It's big and small, square and round,
It digs a hole not in the ground,
It's flat as a ball, heavy as a feather,
It conducts electricity in stormy weather,
It's the bestest friend you've ever hated,
It wouldn't stay if you had waited,
It's all around and never there,
It's an imagination that isn't fair.

A Feeling
This feeling I have is something well known,
But this feeling I have makes me feel alone,
 A feeling of bliss, of want, of desire,
A feeling of kindness, a burning like fire,
A craving so deep it cannot be ignored,
Even though it's denied and left unexplored,
Although there are others who feel what I do,
So many of them are afraid to persue,
I remain afraid, lost, alone in the dark,
I impatiently wait for the one guiding lark,
To share with the world what I feel is a dare,
Many around me would easily scare,
The feeling of mine, a mystery of youth,
I remain afraid to show the world the truth,
A unique love of a world, a love one of a kind,
An experience where you can't make up your mind,
It's not a game, so I cannot lose,
Guy or girl, which one will I choose?
And if someone disagrees, what will I do?
Is this feeling I have worth a risk or two?